Go Men
The men
meet together and stress relationship and accountability through fellowship and prayer.

Meetings are held quarterly.
Go Women
Our purpose is to experience the love of God, make Godly Connections with other women, pray for one another, study the word and to be a reflection of Christ. We meet every Tuesday at 6:00 

Go Kids

It is our goal that every child who comes to church knows they are loved by God and by us. That they know that they “are fearfully and wonderfully made“ Psalms 139:14. Currently we are working our way through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, Seeing how the Bible is all connected to Jesus through fun teachings, music and activities. We want to impact he lives of our children with the love and truth about Jesus so that they can impact those around them.

A.I.R Recovery Group
Every Thursday 7 pm at Go Church
What is A.I.R
A recovery group for anyone suffering from addiction
or for anyone that has been affected by addiction.